Esmeralda werd geinterviewd bij (vrouwen)Kracht on TOUR d.d.8juni2015
Krachtontour#6 by Ontwerpwerk...
Read MoreNRCQ d.d. 25juni2015 Trek die hakken uit en leer presenteren!
Trek die hakken uit en leer spreken – NRC Q
Read MoreOok implementeren is een trend in HR technologie
Ook implementeren is 1 van de 7 trends in HR technologie, deze trend staat op nr 3. It’s All About Implementation. Smart people are shutting out all the clutter and asking themselves: “Is this technology going to be easy to implement and will be my employees actually adopt?” Ignore all the bells and whistles, the shiny toys and pretty graphics. In the end it’s about usage, smart data and building stronger teams. Will this product be worth the effort and expense? Deconstruct the technology down its core deliverables. The rest is just a waste of...
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